Monday, July 1, 2024

Freedom to Break Every Chain

               Faith Moments Daily Bible Reading and Online Devotionals

This month our focus is on FREEDOM and what it means to break every chain, yoke and bondage that binds or holds you back from the liberty Christ gave us when He died on the cross.  It's time to take back your life and be free from sin, guilt and shame!

When God brought the Israelites out of Eqypt, He delivered them out of their distress, mistreatings, poverty and bondage.  Yet, along their journey to the new land God had set aside for them, they forgot His goodness and began to complain.  Only when they remembered the goodness of God and all He did for them did the LORD hear their prayers and cries to Him.  When God saw their hearts had repented of the sin He deliver them out of trouble.

God already knows the difficulties you may be experiencing, and He wants to help.  He wants to break every chain that has held you back, harmed you or kept you in bondage.  

"Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses.  He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their chains in pieces." Psalm 107:13-14

If you are in need of a breakthrough and freedom from the past, give thanks to the Lord for all the things He has already helped you through in your life.  Tell of His goodness and wondress works to those around you so that God can break every chain of bondage that is stealing His blessings from you.

"Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!  For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness." Psalm 107:8-9

The blood Jesus shed on the cross for the forgiveness of sin(s), gave us the freedom power needed to break away from all bondage of the enemy.  In Christ you are free! Free from past mistakes, failures, guilt, shame or anything else that has kept you in "chains". Trust God to release you from everything that has a hold on you and start living a life of freedom. (cw)

"Therefore if the Son (Jesus) makes you free (liberates), you shall be (truly) free indeed."  John 8:36

After reading and sharing the devotional, browse through the subject/topical section or click a specific article title on the right side panel for details.  We appreciate you choosing Faith Moments Devotionals (FMD) teachings by Pastors Jim and Cher to help you grow in grace, wisdom, knowledge and understanding through Christ Jesus. (Proverbs 2:6)  

The devotionals are lessons on faith to live a Christian lifestyle, with daily scripture reading to help you read through the Bible on one year.  Each lesson is designed to be used in priviate, group or Sunday school Bible study settings.

For Daily Bible Reading (DBR) suggestions, click on the month located at the top of the page and then select the day of the week.  Our daily morning and evening reading schedule is geared to help the individula read through the entire Bible in one year at a pace that is easy to follow.

View Daily Bible Reading Schedule here:

October - December DBR

We're looking forward to reading with you!  Share this site with others to help them grow in faith as you journey with us throughout the year.

May all your days be filled with Faith Moments!

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Serving since 1997.  Faith Moments Devotionals are published by Shield of Faith Family & Youth Ministries, Inc.  All materials including articles, Faith Zone 2000+, SOFFY Kidz are copyrighted and/or trademark property of SOFFY Ministries.  All rights reserved.  Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited. Copyright SOFFY Ministries, Inc.  Image

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