Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Continual Harvest

Faith Moments Daily Bible Reading and Online Devotionals

As the summer comes to an end, we look back on how our crops may not have been as productive as hoped.  It also reminds me of a scripture that tells of another harvest that is lacking - the winning of souls to Christ.  

If we study this passage in the Bible, it tells how the prophet Jeremiah lamented over the spiritual condition of Judah when they turned to serving false gods.  Their worship was toward other things and they did not follow after the LORD.

"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, 
and we are not saved," Jeremiah 8:20

Although our summer gardening season has come to a close, the harvest of souls does not end with a season, but is to be a continual sowing and reaping of a harvest. I wonder how many of us have wept like Jeremiah because of the hearts of our nation has walked away from God?

Growers stay in hope knowing that there will be a new season for replanting and enjoying the work of their hands.  Believers too can rejoice and embrace the fall with anticipation of what the Lord has in store for His people.   As we prayerfully wait, let us share the goodness of God to the lost and bring in a continual harvest for the Lord.

Enrich Your Spiritual Journey  

Join us on Faith Moments for a month of featured devotionals to enrich your spiritual journey with these teachings as we remember and celebrate our loved ones.

Grandparents Day: Honoring Grandparents

Patriots Day: Remembering 9/11

After reading and sharing the devotional, browse through the subject/topical section or click a specific article title on the right side panel for details.  We appreciate you choosing Faith Moments Devotionals (FMD) teachings by Pastors Jim and Cher to help you grow in grace, wisdom, knowledge and understanding through Christ Jesus. (Proverbs 2:6)  

The devotionals are lessons on faith to live a Christian lifestyle, with daily scripture reading to help you read through the Bible on one year.  Each lesson is designed to be used in priviate, group or Sunday school Bible study settings.

For Daily Bible Reading (DBR) suggestions, click on the month located at the top of the page and then select the day of the week.  Our daily morning and evening reading schedule is geared to help the individula read through the entire Bible in one year at a pace that is easy to follow.

View Daily Bible Reading Schedule here:

October - December DBR

We're looking forward to reading with you!  Share this site with others to help them grow in faith as you journey with us throughout the year.

May all your days be filled with Faith Moments!

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Serving since 1997.  Faith Moments Devotionals are published by Shield of Faith Family & Youth Ministries, Inc.  All materials including articles, Faith Zone 2000+, SOFFY Kidz are copyrighted and/or trademark property of SOFFY Ministries.  All rights reserved.  Reproduction in part or whole without written permission is prohibited. Copyright SOFFY Ministries, Inc.  Image

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